Lateral Thinking Puzzles (1)

Lateral thinking exercises help us think out of the box. Puzzles are good lateral thinking exercises. Here are few puzzles for you.

Things to remember while solving any puzzle.

1. Start with an assumption that it is possible to solve. People who believe that the puzzle is not solvable then they reduce their chances of finding the answer. Basically, you start with a negative mindset and you just end up proving that you were right.
2. Getting the answer is not the primary objective. Staying with the problem is important, and more important is thinking it from different angles/perspectives. Answer is just a by-product. Even if you don't get the answer you are still exercising your right side of the brain.
3. Don’t find the answer on internet or by asking your colleagues. That can be a way of solving a puzzle but that may not help you think differently, that may not help you think creatively. After all it’s your choice. But the happiness and eureka feeling that you get in the process of trying to solve a puzzle yourself is worth experiencing (atleast once).
4. Don’t share the answer with others. Let others also experience the same Eureka feeling.
So all the best and enjoying puzzling.

Puzzle #1

5 Hats
Three men were standing in a row, all facing the same direction, so that there was one in back who could see the two in front of him, one in the middle, and one in front who could not see either of the other two. There were three blue and two red hats. One hat was placed on each man, without them seeing which two were left over. Each man was told the total number of each color of hat. First the man in the back was asked if he could deduce what color hat he had on, but he said he couldn't. Neither could the man in the middle, when he was next asked. But then man in the front, who could see neither of those behind him but could hear their answers, correctly deduced by logic what color hat he was wearing. What color was it and why?